Cost-effectiveness analysis of silver diamine fluoride to divert dental general anaesthesia compared to standard care.

Nguyen TM, Tonmukayakul U, Hall M, Calache H. Cost-effectiveness analysis of silver diamine fluoride to divert dental general anaesthesia compared to standard care. Aust Dent J. 2022 Dec;67(4):352-361. doi: 10.1111/adj.12936. Epub 2022 Sep 29.


“In the USA, about one in fifty children undergo general anesthesia to care for tooth decay. Some of them never wake up. Since the second modern clinical trial of SDF was published in 2005, we have used SDF to reduce the rate of general anesthesia for children by 70-100% in many large populations. Thanks to this W.H.O. Essential Medicine, it is no longer appropriate to use sedation as a first-line treatment for tooth decay. Professor Emeritus Mizuho Nishino has, through her invention of SDF, saved millions of people of all ages from suffering the experience and treatment of tooth decay, saved the lives of many young children, dramatically increased access to care for the most common disease in humans, and inspired a wave of innovations to make care even better for future generations.” (Jeremy Horst Keeper DDS, PhD, personal communication, June 11, 2024)
